Sunday, June 7, 2015

The 1st News Article Discussion Task

On the first news discussion, I chose the news article entitled as US formally drops Cuba from terrorism 'blacklist' from The Guardian. According to the news sited Cuba was placed in blacklist in 1982 for supporting communist rebel in Latin America and Africa.   It is reported that in December 2014, Obama ordered the State Department to review Cuba’s presence on the terror list and report him back within six months. Later on, the completed review was notified Cuban government has not provided any support for international terrorism in the past six months until April. Cuba also pledged it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future. As the result, the US government has formally dropped Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism on Friday, May 29th. This significant circumstance has two consequences such as diplomatic and economic, pointed out Christopher Sabatini, a Columbia University professor who specializes in Cuba studies.  As to restore diplomatic ties which ends decades of antagonism, alongside the restoration of bank service for Cubans in the US. However, the embargo that has been imposed by Congress will remain in place.  The news also suggested the positive of rapprochement will encourage the freedom of movement for American diplomats in Cuba, as well as the removal of embargo in the future.

    Mimi reported on the well-known news in Laos which happened a couple weeks ago. When there were approximately 40 students and 4 teachers plus a few boat drivers, were going to cross the river from a village to another one. They had to cross the river by boats to attend the primary final exam in the center school in big village. Unfortunately, the boats were leaked and led all the boats sunk into the river. Currently, news said eighteen were died, but four were still missing.

     Another new from Shin is about a gunman commit a crime in a city in the US in 2012, but the trial has been ongoing since now. The gunman suffered the mental break down when he shot audiences in the cinema. The incident resulted on12 people died and 70 people were wounded. As regards the incident, three of us wondered didn’t the cinema provide the body check before entering to the cinema? 

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